Do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, work hard and strive to be the first

On June 29, Dongying City celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with the “Two Priority and One First” Commendation and the “Practical Breakthrough” Competition and Great Competition Commendation and Award Conference was held to warmly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Do not forget the original intention (1)

Our company was rated as “Top 30 Enterprises in Dongying City” in the “Practical Breakthrough” competition and competition, and was invited to participate in the ceremony and received the commendation.

Do not forget the original intention (2)

Li Kuanduan, Secretary of the Dongying Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Chen Bichang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. Kong Fanping, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, read the commendation decision and notification. Chen Zepu, Chairman of the CPPCC, attended the meeting. The meeting is the representative of the winner of the “Glorious 50 Years in the Party” medal, the representative of the city’s outstanding Communist Party members, the city’s outstanding party worker representatives, the city’s advanced grass-roots party organizations, representatives of the top 30 enterprises in Dongying City, outstanding young entrepreneurs, and pioneering breakthroughs. People, good teams for hard work, advanced collective representatives for hard work, advanced individual representatives for hard work, and advanced individual representatives for municipal social governance were awarded awards.

Do not forget the original intention (3)

As the most authoritative meltblown non-woven material R&D and production enterprise in China, Junfu Purification adheres to the product differentiation and customer-oriented development model, accelerates product and service upgrades, and deepens the field of new materials.
As a top 30 enterprise in Dongying City, Junfu Purification will give full play to its role as a leading enterprise in the industry and strive to be a “doer of implementation”. At the historical meeting point of the “two hundred years”, continue to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, keep in mind the original intention, keep in mind the mission, work hard, take responsibility, and continue to devote ourselves to the high-quality development and high-level development of Dongying in the new era Vivid practice of building a modern and strong city, and strive to show new actions and make new contributions.